Allah is the one who sent down the shahifah which instructed Him to be conveyed to His people, descendants of Qabil who rebelled against Alloh.
He studied the books that Alloh revealed to the Prophet of Adam and the Prophet of Syits. He was the first clever cut and sewed clothes, because before he humans wear animal skin clothes.
He has great power, so he got the title "Asadul usud" which means "tiger of all tigers". This title is given because the Prophet (s) dared to fight against the disobedient to Alloh.
He always remembers Alloh, and God has given him a high level, as Alloh says:
"And remember (about) Idris in the Book, He is indeed a righteous man, a Prophet."
"And we have placed it on high ground".
According to some commentators stated that when it was open for Idris to meet the angels, the Prophet Idris had a desire to see the invisible world, the desire of Prophet Idris fulfilled, so the Prophet Idris came to the fourth heaven and some scientists said to the sky to six.
In the hadith narrated by Bukhari, and Anas bin Malik states: "When the Prophet Muhammad saw and Jibril through a place on the night of Isra 'and Mi'raj, he had met with Prophet Idris while saying: Welcome pious Prophet and pious brother. Then asked the Prophet Muhammad [s] to him: "who is this?” Jibril replied: This is Idris, He in the Qur'an is there:
1. Prophet Idris a.s. is the grandfather of Prophet Nuh a.s.
The prophet Idris was the one who descended from Nuh's
father, and he was the first to be able to write with kalam, good at reading
and knowing astrology, arithmetic, stitches and clever horses and against the
Allah is the one who sent down the shahifah which instructed Him to be conveyed to His people, descendants of Qabil who rebelled against Alloh.
He studied the books that Alloh revealed to the Prophet of Adam and the Prophet of Syits. He was the first clever cut and sewed clothes, because before he humans wear animal skin clothes.
He has great power, so he got the title "Asadul usud" which means "tiger of all tigers". This title is given because the Prophet (s) dared to fight against the disobedient to Alloh.
He always remembers Alloh, and God has given him a high level, as Alloh says:
"And remember (about) Idris in the Book, He is indeed a righteous man, a Prophet."
"And we have placed it on high ground".
(S. Maryam, verses
According to some commentators stated that when it was open for Idris to meet the angels, the Prophet Idris had a desire to see the invisible world, the desire of Prophet Idris fulfilled, so the Prophet Idris came to the fourth heaven and some scientists said to the sky to six.
In the hadith narrated by Bukhari, and Anas bin Malik states: "When the Prophet Muhammad saw and Jibril through a place on the night of Isra 'and Mi'raj, he had met with Prophet Idris while saying: Welcome pious Prophet and pious brother. Then asked the Prophet Muhammad [s] to him: "who is this?” Jibril replied: This is Idris, He in the Qur'an is there:
"And (remember) Ishmael and Idris and Dzul Kifli, all patients."
"And we put them in Our mercy, for they are indeed the righteous."
"And (remember) Ishmael and Idris and Dzul Kifli, all patients."
"And we put them in Our mercy, for they are indeed the righteous."
(S. Al-Anbiya ',
verses 85-86)
1. Prophet Idris a.s. is the grandfather of Prophet Nuh a.s.
2. He received many kinds of knowledge, such as
arithmetic, astronomy, brave war against obedient people to Alloh, He was the
first person who knew sewing clothes, because before he was still wearing
animal skin clothes.
3. Prophet Idris upholds Alloh, because He is a pious and
patient person.
4. Alloh still loves the righteous and the patient, and
Alloh hates those who disobey his Lord.
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